Addressing Substance Abuse, PTSD, and Other Concerns in the Fire Service
- Non-member - $24
- Member - Free!
Fire and emergency services members regularly respond to events and face unique challenges to their physical and emotional health. For volunteer firefighters, they go from their normal daily routines into a response mode that often exposes them to acute stress - even traumatic stress. Unfortunately, these challenges can sometimes lead to potentially serious behavioral health issues, including PTSD and substance abuse. Addressing PTSD, Substance Abuse and Other Concerns in the Volunteer Fire Service examines PTSD and types of substance abuse frequently seen in the fire service, how PTSD can relate to substance abuse, and how to get help through the NVFC's Share the Load Program.
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Tom Miller
Tom Miller is a 35 year veteran of the Sissonville Volunteer Fire Department in West Virginia and has served on the NVFC Board since 2008. He has held many positions of leadership within his department and currently serves on the Department's Board of Directors in addition to being an active firefighter. Tom is active in the West Virginia State Fireman's Association and currently serves as its Scholarship Chair. Tom holds many certifications including, but not limited to: Firefighter II, Fire Officer II, Hazardous Materials Technician/Incident Commander, Swift Water Rescue Technician, Vehicle Machinery Technician, Rope Rescue Technician, and Fire Instructor III, and is an active Instructor with West Virginia University Fire Service Extension. He serves on the NVFC's Health & Safety and Conference/Education Committees. Tom also represents the NVFC on the NFPA 470 Technical Committee and the NFPA Joint 1001/472 Task Group. In his paying job, Tom is employed as the Privacy & Security Officer for the West Virginia Department of Administration.