First Line of Defense - Installing Smoke Alarms
- Non-member - $24
- Member - Free!
This training was created to help you understand the need for community-based fire safety education and alarm installation. It aims to give you the tools to help your neighbors reduce the risk of being injured or dying in a house fire. The first line of defense is proper smoke alarm placement, installation, and having enough alarms in each home. This, combined with providing education and resources, along with fire sprinklers, will help make your community significantly safer.

Monica Colby
Monica Colby, a Fire and Life Safety Educator since 1998, currently works with Rapid City Fire Department in South Dakota. She has worked on local, state, regional, and national projects and positions. She currently serves on the NFPA 1035 Technical Committee, IFSTA Validation Committee for Fire and Life Safety Educator, represents her state with the NFPA Education Network and NVFC Fire Corps, and serves with the Vision 2020 Advocacy group and Symposium Program Selection team. Monica and her teenage Engineer live in a home protected by cooktop heat-limiting technology and fire sprinklers.