NVFC PIT Crew Hazmat Train-the-Trainer - Coolville, OH

Includes a Live In-Person Event on 07/12/2025 at 8:00 AM (EDT)

Free hazmat train-the-trainer course - no experience needed!

The NVFC, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), is offering a hazmat train-the-trainer program: Partners in Training (PIT) Crew. This project will help first responders gain the knowledge and skills they need to train others in their communities on hazmat safety and response. Experienced hazmat trainers and those new to the field are welcome to participate. After course completion, attendees will receive a materials toolkit and session slides to help them teach these courses to others. Find out more at www.nvfc.org/hazmat.

Date and Time

Saturday, July 12, 2025 - 0800-1600 ET


Coolville Volunteer Fire Department
2770 Sixth Street
Coolville, OH 45723

Course Offering

Teaching Hazmat Basics (7 hours)

Travel and Logistics

John Glenn Columbus International Airport (CMH)

Recommended Hotels:
   -  Hampton Inn Athens, 986 East State St., Athens, OH 45701
   -  Quality Inn, 20 Home St., Athens, OH 45701
Training site parking: Free lot 
Meals and refreshments: lunch provided daily; bring a water bottle
Attire: casual (no gear needed)


Local: Jeremy Holland, jeremy_holland@yahoo.com, (740) 440-0862
NVFC: Amanda Tegtmeyer, amanda@nvfc.org, 202-887-5700


Tom Miller

Tom Miller is a 40 year veteran of the West Virginia fire service currently serving with the West Side Volunteer Fire Department. He is a Pro-Board certified Firefighter II, Fire Officer II,  Fire Instructor III and a Hazardous Materials Technician & Incident Commander.  Tom has been an Adjunct Instructor with West Virginia University Fire Service Extension since 1990 and has written numerous courses on specialized topics in emergency response and delivered them across the country.  Tom is a Life Member of the West Virginia State Firemen's Association.  He is the West Virginia Director to the NVFC and serves as the Chair of its Hazardous Materials Response and Homeland Security Committees and its Pandemic Response Task Group, as well as serving as an SME on various Technical Committees including the National Hazardous Materials Roundtable.  Tom also serves on the Standards & Codes; and Health, Safety & Training committees of the NVFC.  He is a Principal on the NFPA 470 (formerly 472/473/475/1072) Technical Committee.  Tom has  Bachelor of Science degree from West Virginia State University and a Master of Arts degree from the School of Education and Professional Studies at Marshall University.

Ralph McNemar


Pre-event Survey
Pre-Event Dietary and Accessibility Survey
2 Questions
2 Questions Please provide this optional information on any dietary or accessibility requirements you may have.
Course: Teaching Hazmat Basics
07/12/2025 at 8:00 AM (EDT)   |  8 hours  |  Attendance Required
07/12/2025 at 8:00 AM (EDT)   |  8 hours  |  Attendance Required This course covers the foundations of teaching hazmat response and safety. Attendees will learn how to connect their hazmat training to the risks faced by the student audience. They will walk away able to take a limited hazmat resource list and develop at least three practical skills trainings of direct benefit to their students. Finally, attendees will be able to develop training drills and/or exercises that meet the needs of their jurisdiction in accordance with recognized national standards.
In-Person Course Evaluation: Hazmat PIT Crew
6 Questions
6 Questions Let us know what we can do to enhance our training.
Certificate - Teaching Hazmat Basics (7 hours)
0.00 credits  |  Certificate available
0.00 credits  |  Certificate available
Instructional Resources
Instructor Guide - Teaching Hazmat Basics
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource.
Slides - Teaching Hazmat Basics
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource.