Roundtable Talk - Clearing the Air: Addressing Pipeline Misconceptions
Includes a Live Web Event on 04/16/2025 at 2:00 PM (EDT)
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Roundtable Talk - Clearing the Air: Addressing Pipeline Misconceptions
Are myths about pipeline incidents holding back your fire department’s response planning? Join the NVFC and a panel of subject matter experts for this Roundtable Talk to learn about the most common misconceptions surrounding pipeline incidents and uncover the facts you need to better prepare your first responders. This session will dispel prevalent myths about pipeline incidents and share actionable ways to optimize your department’s mitigation and response planning.
This Roundtable Talk is sponsored by Buxus.
Day and Time
April 16, 2025, 1400-1500 EST
David Bullard (Moderator)
Bill Hand
NVFC: Amanda Tegtmeyer, amanda@nvfc.org, 202-887-5700
Roundtable Talk Sponsor
Buxus®, developed by Sander Resources, L.L.C., is a first-of-its kind app that promotes vital communication between pipeline operators and emergency responders. Buxus®, available through the Apple Store or Google Play, delivers on-demand information to responders about individual pipeline operators who subscribe to the system, their assets, key emergency and personnel contact information, operational considerations, and most importantly, emergency response preparedness information and training. Sign up for a webinar on how to get started and the benefits of the app at www.Buxus.io.

David Bullard (Moderator)
David is a 22 year member of the fire service and currently serves as a Lieutenant and coassigned to the Training Division with the Columbia County Fire Rescue (Ga.) and a part time Firefighter with Grovetown (Ga) DPS. In addition, he serves on the Board of Directors for the Georgia State Firefighter's Association, National Volunteer Fire Council State Director, Georgia Pipeline Emergency Response Initiave Board of Directors, NFPA’s Working Group on Flammable Refrigerants, Alternate to NFPA 1021 and 1056 Committees, and was Secretary of IFSTA's Pumping Apparatus Driver Operator 3rd Edition Curriculum Committee, contributor to the “Training Officer’s Desk Reference”, and is a Safety and Health coordinator with HEPACO LLC. As an active instructor for the Georgia Fire Academy with Firefighter Basics, David is constantly engaged with teaching live fire, leadership, HAZMAT, and Firefighter Survival/RIT classes.

Bill Hand

John Holtan