Roundtable Talk - Safety in Action: Educating Drivers on Emergency Scene Awareness
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Engaging the community in roadway safety is a key part of reducing first responder injuries and death in traffic incident management. In this NVFC Roundtable Talk, subject matter experts will discuss ways to motivate community members to adopt safe driving guidelines, how to communicate key topics such as distracted driving and moving over when passing an emergency scene, and innovative ways to reach even more drivers with these messages.

Joel Feldman
Attorney at Law
Anapol Weiss
Following the death of his daughter Casey by a distracted driver in 2009, Mr. Feldman created EndDD.org , “End Distracted Driving,” and has developed science-based distracted driving presentations, as well as other resources used by businesses, schools and community groups in educational initiatives. Mr. Feldman coordinates a network of speakers who have presented to more than 500,000 students across the U.S. and in Canada, all without cost to schools.
Mr. Feldman has personally given nearly 1000 distracted driving presentations to more than 200,000 teens and adults since 2012, and has been the keynote speaker at a number of legal, medical, traffic safety and business conferences. Current projects include a distracted driving picture book for K-2 students, lesson plans for 2nd-5th grades, and evaluation of distracted driving initiatives to maximize their effectiveness. He is a member of the NTSB’s National Distracted Driving Coalition and chairs the youth education subcommittee and is coordinating a study that will be the most comprehensive teen distracted driving project ever undertaken.
Mr. Feldman is a shareholder in the Philadelphia law firm of Anapol Weiss and after Casey’s death obtained his masters in counseling from Villanova University.
Mr. Feldman can be reached at info@EndDD.org
Following the death of his daughter Casey by a distracted driver in 2009, Mr. Feldman created EndDD.org , “End Distracted Driving,” and has developed science-based distracted driving presentations, as well as other resources used by businesses, schools and community groups in educational initiatives. Mr. Feldman coordinates a network of speakers who have presented to more than 500,000 students across the U.S. and in Canada, all without cost to schools.
Mr. Feldman has personally given nearly 1000 distracted driving presentations to more than 200,000 teens and adults since 2012, and has been the keynote speaker at a number of legal, medical, traffic safety and business conferences. Current projects include a distracted driving picture book for K-2 students, lesson plans for 2nd-5th grades, and evaluation of distracted driving initiatives to maximize their effectiveness. He is a member of the NTSB’s National Distracted Driving Coalition and chairs the youth education subcommittee and is coordinating a study that will be the most comprehensive teen distracted driving project ever undertaken.
Mr. Feldman is a shareholder in the Philadelphia law firm of Anapol Weiss and after Casey’s death obtained his masters in counseling from Villanova University.
Mr. Feldman can be reached at info@EndDD.org

Todd Leiss
TIM Heroes, Inc.
Todd Leiss is the founder of TIM Heroes, Inc., which promotes roadway safety public awareness and emergency responder safety. He also serves as the Deputy Director of Training for ResponderSafety.com. Previously, Leiss served over 23 years with the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission in traffic operations and incident management. He has also previously served as a volunteer firefighter, EMT, hazmat technician, and 911 dispatcher.

Jack Sullivan (Moderator)
Director of Training
Emergency Responder Safety Institute
Jack is a subject matter expert on roadway incident operations and emergency personnel safety and promotes proactive strategies and tactics for protecting emergency workers from being struck by vehicles. He was a volunteer firefighter and chief officer for 23 years and in 2018 retired from a 40-year career as a safety and risk management consultant for the public and private sector. Jack teaches Roadway Incident Safety & Survival Workshops for emergency responders for ERSI and he is a Master Instructor for the FHWA SHRP2 Traffic Incident Management Train-the-Trainer Workshops. Jack is also a Technical Member of the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and currently serves as the Chair of the Task Group for Chapter 6i of the MUTCD – “Control of Traffic Through Traffic Incident Management Areas”.