Webinar - Initial Steps for Organizing an Emerging Wildfire Incident Response - Sponsored by AT&T
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This webinar will provide an overview of actions for an Initial Attack IC to consider when responding to an emerging, potentially large wildfire. Local, state, and national mobilization processes and responsibilities will also be discussed.
The NVFC has partnered with FirstNet®, Built with AT&T to bring this webinar topic to you. FirstNet is the only network built with and for America's first responders—including volunteer firefighters. With the nation's largest coverage footprint, first responders get prioritized access to the network, never competing with commercial traffic. Learn more at FirstNet.com/fir

Mark Goeller
Oklahoma State Forestry
Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry
Mark is Oklahoma’s State Forester/Director of Forestry, working for the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Forestry - Forestry Services Division for thirty-eight years. He graduated from Oklahoma State University in 1981 with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture – Forest Management.
Goeller began fighting wildland fire in 1980. He has experience in wildland fire and all-hazards incidents in twenty-two states. He is currently qualified as a Type 1 Incident Commander and Type 1 Operations Section Chief. Since 1998 Mark has served a primary role on multiple Incident Management Teams, most recently as the Incident Commander for Northern Rockies Team 1. Goeller’s other incident management-related activities include: past Chairperson of the National Wildfire Coordinating Group Risk Management Committee; NASF Representative on the S-520 Advanced Incident Management Steering Committee; past National Governor’s Association Representative to the Wildland Fire Leadership Council; and NASF Fire Committee member. Mark is also the current Chairperson of the Southern Group of State Foresters; and current member of the Oklahoma Incident Management Team Advisory Committee.