Webinar - Junior Firefighters and the COVID-19 Vaccine: A Strategy to Increase Uptake in Departments and Communities
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The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is available to those aged 12 and older. Fire department leaders can advocate for their junior members to get the vaccine for the same reasons as adult members, including a return to normal and ending the pandemic, keeping family members and peers safe and healthy, and improving their ability to stay healthy and ready during first responder activities. In addition, vaccinated junior firefighters can serve as trusted messengers and vaccine advocates by providing encouragement to others in their departments and communities. This presentation by Dr. Wesley Attwood, CDC Public Health Advisor, will discuss vaccination among adolescents, communication strategies for fire management, and resources offered by the CDC that highlight vaccine science, benefits, and facts.

Dr. Wesley R. Attwood
Dr. Wesley R. Attwood is a Public Health Advisor with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s (NIOSH) Public Safety Sector program. The program investigates occupational injury, illness, and fatalities among fire service, wildland firefighting, emergency medical services, law enforcement, and corrections workers. During the pandemic, Dr. Attwood has been assigned to the CDC’s Vaccine Task Force, Essential Workers Team, working directly with public safety sector stakeholders.