Webinar - Roadway Incident Safety and Survival for Fire and EMS

Struck-by-vehicle incidents continue to be a serious hazard for firefighters and EMS providers. Emergency service operations on roads and highways put personnel at serious risk of being struck by vehicles and injured or killed. Making sure personnel are trained in proper traffic incident management techniques can prevent tragedy. Join the NVFC and presenter Jack Sullivan for this webinar that offers guidance on how to conduct various types of operations on rural roads and highways, with emphasis on how to protect emergency personnel, the victims they are responding to assist, and other motorists in the vicinity of the incident. Strategies and tactics, new technology, and apparatus innovations that can help improve incident scene protection will be presented.

Jack Sullivan

Director of Training

Emergency Responder Safety Institute

Jack is a subject matter expert on roadway incident operations and emergency personnel safety and promotes proactive strategies and tactics for protecting emergency workers from being struck by vehicles. He was a volunteer firefighter and chief officer for 23 years and in 2018 retired from a 40-year career as a safety and risk management consultant for the public and private sector. Jack teaches Roadway Incident Safety & Survival Workshops for emergency responders for ERSI and he is a Master Instructor for the FHWA SHRP2 Traffic Incident Management Train-the-Trainer Workshops. Jack is also a Technical Member of the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and currently serves as the Chair of the Task Group for Chapter 6i of the MUTCD – “Control of Traffic Through Traffic Incident Management Areas”.


Recorded 01/28/2022
Recorded 01/28/2022
Virtual Classroom Webinar Evaluation
2 Questions
No credits available  |  Certificate available
No credits available  |  Certificate available